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Bone meal fertilizer is a natural soil additive made from finely ground animal bones, typically sourced from cattle.


Bone meal fertilizer is a natural soil additive made from finely ground animal bones, typically sourced from cattle. In the fertilizer serves as an effective and natural way to provide phosphorus to plants, particularly during their early growth stages, aiding in root development and overall plant health. However, careful application is recommended to prevent overuse and potential nutrient imbalances in the soil.

  • Made from finely ground animal bones, often cattle bones.
  • Rich in phosphorus, with moderate nitrogen and calcium content.
  • Acts as a slow-release fertilizer, gradually providing phosphorus to plants.
  • Beneficial for root development, blooming, and initial growth stages.
  • Commonly used when planting bulbs, flowers, shrubs, and trees.
  • Preferred in organic gardening for its natural and environmentally friendly nature.
  • Caution: Excessive use may lead to phosphorus buildup in soil, requiring careful application.


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